Om produktet
- Fit: Normal
- Materiale: tekstil
- Dette er et Unisexprodukt
* [REE]CYCLED: Made from at least 30% recycled or reused materials
- Regular fit
- Flexweave woven textile upper
- Designed for: Training
- Lace-up front closure
- Lift and Run chassis system
- Textile lining
- Floatride Energy Foam
- Rubber outsole that can handle any surface
Træning/gym Producentoplysninger
- Producent: NGG Beta S.R.L
- Postadresse: Via Filippo Turati 12, 201 21 Milano, Italy
- Elektronisk adresse:
Varenummer:228140861 - 1200143703434ID:32664091SKU:RCSU0204675