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9 products
    RAW Teak - keramisk kværnesæt med bakke, Aida
    • 3-pack
    +45% ExtraNew
    AidaRAW Teak - keramisk kværnesæt med bakke
    32.95 €59.90 €
    Finamill cordless spice grinder, red, FinaMill
    • 3-pack
    +45% ExtraNew
    FinaMillFinamill cordless spice grinder, red
    39.60 €72 €
    39.60 €72 €
    46.80 €72 €
    46.80 €72 €
    46.80 €72 €
    39.60 €72 €
    39.60 €72 €
    Salt and pepper shakers - Banana Romance, Donkey
    • Few left in stock
    +35% ExtraNew
    DonkeySalt and pepper shakers - Banana Romance
    26.62 €40.95 €
    Salt and pepper shakers - Hungry Hippos, Donkey
    • One left in stock
    +20% ExtraNew
    DonkeySalt and pepper shakers - Hungry Hippos
    32.76 €40.95 €
    TWIST salt / pepper set, applicata
    +35% ExtraNew
    applicataTWIST salt / pepper set
    65 €100 €
    65 €100 €
    75 €100 €
    Pepper Gloss Hoxton cole&mason, Cole & Mason
    • Few left in stock
    +25% ExtraNew
    Cole & MasonPepper Gloss Hoxton cole&mason
    26.25 €35 €
    Ø 5.5 cm
    TWIST salt / pepper set, applicata
    +25% ExtraNew
    applicataTWIST salt / pepper set
    75 €100 €
    Finamill spice grinder, red, rechargeable, FinaMill
    • 3-pack
    +45% ExtraNew
    FinaMillFinamill spice grinder, red, rechargeable
    59.40 €108 €
    59.40 €108 €
    70.20 €108 €
    70.20 €108 €
    Saltmill Hoxton cole&mason, Cole & Mason
    +25% ExtraNew
    Cole & MasonSaltmill Hoxton cole&mason
    26.25 €35 €
    Ø 5.5 cm