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Wheat for kids

806 products

Wheat is a Danish brand that offers high-quality kidswear designed to meet the needs of both children and parents. Wheat's core philosophy is to create kids' clothing that's functional, stylish and fun to play in. The brand works with durable materials that are soft and comfortable to wear no matter the weather or occasion. The Wheat collections for boys, girls and babies are loved for their beautiful combinations of subtle pastel colours, unique patterns and cute prints. The choice of materials ranges from mesh and velvet to the softest organic cotton and functional materials that ensure protection in rain and snow. Wheat embraces the Scandinavian design tradition while always adapting every single item to fit in the child's playful world.

Kidswear from Wheat at low prices

The founders of Wheat, Charlotte and Peter Galsgaard, started their kidswear journey in 2002 when they introduced the first Wheat collections to the market. At the time, the couple had three small children of their own. When shopping for kidswear they were often frustrated by a selection dominated by polyester and other synthetic materials. They wanted Wheat to be different, which is why the brand has a focus on natural and organic materials. The name Wheat is inspired by the brand's strong connection to the beautiful Scandinavian nature where the wind blowing through wheat fields makes each straw of wheat move and sway freely. Charlotte has since the beginning been the head designer at Wheat. Every time a new Wheat item is designed and produced the child is the main focus. As parents, Charlotte and Peter are well aware of how important all the small details are when it comes to children's clothing. Everything from Wheat thermal wear, snowsuits and rainwear to lace dresses, skirts and trousers with adjustable waistbands are created for curious kids that love to explore muddy gardens, jump in piles of autumn leaves and create pillow castles under dining tables. Here at Booztlet, you can explore Wheat collections for kids and babies at low outlet prices. Get your little one ready for everything from rainy playground fun to elegant wedding parties, while saving up to 70% on all items you add to the cart.

Original patterns and beautiful colours

Clothing from Wheat is characterised by clear design parameters with original patterns, beautiful pastels and charming hand-drawn prints that continue to excite and surprise kids and parents collection after collection. Some of the brand's most popular lines are thermal wear, rainwear and outerwear made from functional and weatherproof materials that are perfect for indecisive weather. The quality of Wheat kidswear is high enough for a T-shirt, blouse or a pair of leggings to move into the wardrobe of a smaller sibling or cousin when the size no longer fits. This is something that Wheat encourages and hopes for when choosing the best materials for all their items. At Booztlet you'll find a good assortment of Wheat clothing for boys, girls and babies, all in stylish design and with a great fit. We have everything from elegant party dresses and trousers in trendy colours to baby accessories for the smallest family members. Explore discounted rainwear and thermal wear from Wheat and dress your kid for puddle jumping, sleigh rides and forest adventures without worrying about your budget. Naturally, the collections from Wheat also include the softest underwear and nightwear with cute animals and cartoon characters that will easily make their way into fun bedtime stories and sweet dreams. Wheat is comfortable clothing that is stylish, budget-friendly and playful. Here at Booztlet, you get up to 70% off on everything from T-shirts, jackets and thermal pants to blouses and swimwear from Wheat. Have a look around, and discover why Wheat kidswear is popular among parents and kids across the world.

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806 products
    Wheat Chelsea Cama - Wheat - ROSE DAWN / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatChelsea Cama
    68.97 €114.95 €
    Wheat Jacket Sascha Tech - Wheat - RAVEN WILD FLOWERS / brown
    40% off
    WheatJacket Sascha Tech
    77.97 €129.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress S/S Anna - Wheat - CONEFLOWERS / beige
    35% off
    WheatJersey Dress S/S Anna
    24.67 €37.95 €
    Wheat Swim T-Shirt S/S Jackie - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    20% off
    WheatSwim T-Shirt S/S Jackie
    30.36 €37.95 €
    Wheat Jacket Sascha Tech - Wheat - LANDSCAPE / blue
    40% off
    WheatJacket Sascha Tech
    77.97 €129.95 €
    Wheat Ski Pants Sal Tech - Wheat - RAVEN WILD FLOWERS / multi
    40% off
    WheatSki Pants Sal Tech
    47.97 €79.95 €
    Wheat Dress S/S Elma - Wheat - SHELL / yellow
    40% off
    WheatDress S/S Elma
    32.97 €54.95 €
    Wheat Swim T-Shirt S/S Jackie - Wheat - INDIGO STRIPE / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwim T-Shirt S/S Jackie
    30.36 €37.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - NOUGAT ROSE / brown
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    14.97 €24.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    39.96 €49.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress S/S Anna - Wheat - CONEFLOWERS / multi
    40% off
    WheatJersey Dress S/S Anna
    17.97 €29.95 €
    Wheat T-Shirt S/S Esther - Wheat - PALE APRICOT / yellow
    40% off
    WheatT-Shirt S/S Esther
    17.97 €29.95 €
    Wheat Swim T-Shirt S/S Jackie - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwim T-Shirt S/S Jackie
    30.36 €37.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - EGGPLANT / brown
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    16.22 €24.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    39.96 €49.95 €
    Wheat Sweatshirt Bastian - Wheat - SOFT BEIGE / multi
    50% off
    WheatSweatshirt Bastian
    22.48 €44.95 €
    Wheat Jana High Lace Tex - Wheat - DRY CLAY / brown
    • One left in stock
    70% off
    WheatJana High Lace Tex
    38.99 €129.95 €
    Wheat Dress S/S Elma - Wheat - BLUE WAVES / blue
    WheatDress S/S Elma
    49.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - GRAVEL MELANGE / beige
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    16.22 €24.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - INDIGO STRIPE / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    39.96 €49.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit Marie-Louise - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit Marie-Louise
    35.96 €44.95 €
    Wheat Koa High Tex Inside Zip - Wheat - RED / red
    • Few left in stock
    WheatKoa High Tex Inside Zip
    124.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - BLACK / black
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    16.22 €24.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - CLOUDY SKY / blue
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    14.92 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - BLUE SLUSH / blue
    60% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    23.98 €59.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit Marie-Louise - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    WheatSwimsuit Marie-Louise
    44.95 €
    Wheat Koa High Tex Inside Zip - Wheat - BLACK / black
    • Few left in stock
    60% off
    WheatKoa High Tex Inside Zip
    49.98 €124.95 €
    Wheat Dress Lace Thelma - Wheat - ROSE STRAWBERRIES / multi
    35% off
    WheatDress Lace Thelma
    42.22 €64.95 €
    Wheat Puffer Coat Yrsa - Wheat - CARAMEL ANEMONES / brown
    35% off
    WheatPuffer Coat Yrsa
    90.97 €139.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - CLOUDY SKY / grey
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    16.22 €24.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    40% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - CHIVE / green
    60% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    23.98 €59.95 €
    Wheat Dress Luise - Wheat - ALABASTER FLOWER BOBBLES / multi
    35% off
    WheatDress Luise
    35.72 €54.95 €
    Wheat Koa High Tex Inside Zip - Wheat - DUSTY ROUGE / pink/rose
    • Few left in stock
    60% off
    WheatKoa High Tex Inside Zip
    49.98 €124.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - CLOUDY SKY / grey
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    14.92 €22.95 €
    Wheat Puffer Coat Yrsa - Wheat - FLOWERS IN PLENTY / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatPuffer Coat Yrsa
    83.97 €139.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    40% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    26.97 €44.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - ROSE FROST / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    14.97 €24.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - NOUGAT ROSE / beige
    40% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - SPRING LILAC / purple
    50% offDEAL10
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    29.98 €59.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Thermo Print - Wheat - RAINING FLOWERS / navy
    35% off
    WheatRubber Boot Thermo Print
    35.72 €54.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - LIGHT BLUE / blue
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    23.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - ROSE FROST / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Puffer Coat Yrsa - Wheat - WINTER FLOWERS / navy
    40% off
    WheatPuffer Coat Yrsa
    83.97 €139.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - INDIGO STRIPE / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    35.96 €44.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    35% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    16.22 €24.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - GRAVEL MELANGE / beige
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    14.92 €22.95 €
    Wheat Pajamas Bebbo - Wheat - SOFT STRIPE / green
    • Few left in stock
    30% off
    WheatPajamas Bebbo
    55.97 €79.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - INK / navy
    35% offDEAL10
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    38.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Thermo Print - Wheat - FLOWERS IN PLENTY / pink/rose
    30% off
    WheatRubber Boot Thermo Print
    38.47 €54.95 €
    Wheat Jumpsuit L/S Theis - Wheat - FANTASY FRIENDS / grey
    35% offNew
    WheatJumpsuit L/S Theis
    22.72 €34.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - ROSE BALLET / pink/rose
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    23.95 €
    Wheat Dress Hella - Wheat - BLUE CORNFLOWERS / blue
    35% off
    WheatDress Hella
    35.72 €54.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Beach Shoe Shawn - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    20% off
    WheatBeach Shoe Shawn
    31.96 €39.95 €
    Wheat Swimsuit S/S Cas - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / blue
    20% off
    WheatSwimsuit S/S Cas
    35.96 €44.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - ROSE FROST / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    14.92 €22.95 €
    Wheat Rainsuit Mika - Wheat - INK / navy
    30% off
    WheatRainsuit Mika
    41.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Thermo Print - Wheat - BLACK STRIPE / black
    35% off
    WheatRubber Boot Thermo Print
    35.72 €54.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - ROSETTE / coral
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    15.57 €23.95 €
    Wheat T-Shirt S/S Norma - Wheat - ROSE FLOWERS / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatT-Shirt S/S Norma
    20.97 €34.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - BLACK / black
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - UNDER WATER / blue
    • Few left in stock
    30% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    41.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Beach Shoe Shawn - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / multi
    20% off
    WheatBeach Shoe Shawn
    31.96 €39.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - BLACK / black
    40% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Rainsuit Mika - Wheat - DUSTY LILAC / pink/rose
    30% off
    WheatRainsuit Mika
    41.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Thermo Print - Wheat - ROSE FLOWERS / beige
    35% off
    WheatRubber Boot Thermo Print
    35.72 €54.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress L/S Sessa - Wheat - ROSE FLOWER MEADOW / pink/rose
    40% offNew
    WheatJersey Dress L/S Sessa
    29.97 €49.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Mist - Wheat - BLUE FLOWER MEADOW / blue
    40% off
    WheatRubber Boot Mist
    32.97 €54.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - EGGPLANT / brown
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / multi
    • Few left in stock
    50% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    29.98 €59.95 €
    Wheat Shorts Atlasz - Wheat - BEIGE STONE / beige
    20% off
    WheatShorts Atlasz
    30.36 €37.95 €
    Wheat Beach Shoe Shawn - Wheat - INDIGO SURFBOARDS / blue
    20% off
    WheatBeach Shoe Shawn
    31.96 €39.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt L/S Reese - Wheat - EGGPLANT / burgundy
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt L/S Reese
    14.92 €22.95 €
    Wheat Rainsuit Mika - Wheat - DRY WOOD / brown
    30% off
    WheatRainsuit Mika
    41.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Dress L/S Aima - Wheat - CLOUDY WILD FLOWERS / multi
    40% off
    WheatDress L/S Aima
    32.97 €54.95 €
    Wheat Jacket Ada Tech - Wheat - ROSE DUST / pink/rose
    40% offDEAL10
    WheatJacket Ada Tech
    65.97 €109.95 €
    Wheat Rubber Boot Mist - Wheat - RAINBOW FLOWERS / pink/rose
    WheatRubber Boot Mist
    54.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - GRAVEL MELANGE / beige
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Chelsea Sonni Tex - Wheat - NAVY / blue
    • One left in stock
    60% off
    WheatChelsea Sonni Tex
    49.98 €124.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - STRAWBERRY / multi
    35% offDEAL10
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    38.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Wool Silk Singlet Iggy - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    40% off
    WheatWool Silk Singlet Iggy
    17.97 €29.95 €
    Wheat Knit Dress Nannie - Wheat - EGGPLANT / brown
    WheatKnit Dress Nannie
    39.95 €
    Wheat Rib Leggings Maddy - Wheat - NOUGAT ROSE / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatRib Leggings Maddy
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Chelsea Sonni Tex - Wheat - COGNAC / brown
    50% off
    WheatChelsea Sonni Tex
    62.48 €124.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Pants Manfred - Wheat - GRAVEL MELANGE / beige
    40% off
    WheatJersey Pants Manfred
    11.97 €19.95 €
    Wheat Knit Cardigan Maia - Wheat - EGGPLANT / burgundy
    35% off
    WheatKnit Cardigan Maia
    25.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - RAVEN / grey
    35% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    38.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Knit Dress Nannie - Wheat - DRY ROSE / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatKnit Dress Nannie
    25.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Chelsea Sonni Tex - Wheat - BLACK / black
    35% off
    WheatChelsea Sonni Tex
    77.97 €119.95 €
    Wheat Pinafore Wrinkles Sienna - Wheat - CAROUSELS AND FLOWERS / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatPinafore Wrinkles Sienna
    29.97 €49.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Pants Manfred - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    40% off
    WheatJersey Pants Manfred
    11.97 €19.95 €
    Wheat Leggings Jules - Wheat - ROSE FLOWERS / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatLeggings Jules
    18.17 €27.95 €
    Wheat Knit Cardigan Maia - Wheat - WARM GREY MELANGE / grey
    40% off
    WheatKnit Cardigan Maia
    23.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat T-Shirt Norma - Wheat - GREY ROSE FLOWERS / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatT-Shirt Norma
    25.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - DRY LEAVES / green
    35% offDEAL10
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    38.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Timian Wool Top Boot - Wheat - BERRY / purple
    • Few left in stock
    70% off
    WheatTimian Wool Top Boot
    35.99 €119.95 €
    Wheat Chelsea Sonni Tex - Wheat - DUSTY ROUGE / brown
    50% off
    WheatChelsea Sonni Tex
    59.98 €119.95 €
    Wheat Knit Cardigan Maia - Wheat - LAVENDER DAWN / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatKnit Cardigan Maia
    25.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress L/S Sessa - Wheat - BLUE FLOWERS / multi
    35% off
    WheatJersey Dress L/S Sessa
    32.47 €49.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Jacket Loui - Wheat - INK / black
    35% off
    WheatThermo Jacket Loui
    38.97 €59.95 €
    Wheat Knit Pullover Julius - Wheat - RAVEN / green
    40% off
    WheatKnit Pullover Julius
    26.97 €44.95 €
    Wheat Leggings Jules - Wheat - ROSE FLOWER MEADOW / multi
    40% offNew
    WheatLeggings Jules
    14.97 €24.95 €
    Wheat Winterboot Snug Tex - Wheat - COGNAC / brown
    40% off
    WheatWinterboot Snug Tex
    62.97 €104.95 €
    Wheat Knit Cardigan Maia - Wheat - MOONLIGHT ROSE / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatKnit Cardigan Maia
    25.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt S/S Katie - Wheat - LIGHT BLUE / blue
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt S/S Katie
    12.97 €19.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress L/S Eliane - Wheat - RAVEN ANEMONES / multi
    35% off
    WheatJersey Dress L/S Eliane
    29.22 €44.95 €
    Wheat Winterboot Snug Tex - Wheat - DUSTY ROUGE / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatWinterboot Snug Tex
    68.22 €104.95 €
    Wheat Leggings Jules - Wheat - PALE ROSE FLOWERS / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatLeggings Jules
    13.77 €22.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Rainsuit Aiko - Wheat - LAVENDER ROSE / pink/rose
    50% off
    WheatThermo Rainsuit Aiko
    59.98 €119.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt S/S Katie - Wheat - CREAM / cream
    25% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt S/S Katie
    14.96 €19.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress Suit Vianna - Wheat - CONEFLOWERS / coral
    40% off
    WheatJersey Dress Suit Vianna
    23.97 €39.95 €
    Wheat Winterboot Snug Tex - Wheat - NAVY / navy
    • Few left in stock
    35% off
    WheatWinterboot Snug Tex
    64.97 €99.95 €
    Wheat Shirt Embroidery Willum - Wheat - CLOUDY SKY / grey
    40% off
    WheatShirt Embroidery Willum
    29.97 €49.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Rainsuit Aiko - Wheat - AUTUMN SKY / blue
    50% off
    WheatThermo Rainsuit Aiko
    59.98 €119.95 €
    Wheat Thermo Pants Alex - Wheat - SPRING LILAC / pink/rose
    35% offDEAL10
    WheatThermo Pants Alex
    32.47 €49.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt S/S Katie - Wheat - ROSE BALLET / pink/rose
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt S/S Katie
    12.97 €19.95 €
    Wheat Leggings Jules - Wheat - LAVENDER FLOWERS / pink/rose
    40% off
    WheatLeggings Jules
    14.97 €24.95 €
    Wheat Jersey Dress L/S Sessa - Wheat - BLACK STRIPE / black
    35% off
    WheatJersey Dress L/S Sessa
    29.22 €44.95 €
    Wheat Rib T-Shirt S/S Katie - Wheat - ROSETTE / coral
    35% off
    WheatRib T-Shirt S/S Katie
    12.97 €19.95 €
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